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Local / internal searches

Local searches are searches performed with your site's own search engine, after your visitors are already on your site. Before we can report on these searches, you must tell us what query parameter your website uses for searches. Common parameters would be for example "q" or "search".


Some sites have path-based, "pretty" searches. Example:

Alliance Reservations Network Analytics also supports these. For path-based searches, you must enter in the full path that goes between the domain name and the search term. It must start with a '/' or we won't look for the search in the path. In this example, you'd enter in "/search/".

Last, Alliance Reservations Network Analytics supports multiple parameters and multiple paths for local searches, including mixing the two, if your site is weird like that. Here's an example of what you might enter for both, if your site had the same setup as our examples above:


Enter in your local search query parameter in site preferences.

Enter in your local search query parameter in site preferences.

The local searches report is available under Searches -> Local searches.

The local searches report is available under Searches -> Local searches.

Click on a local search to view visitors who performed that search.

Click on a local search to view visitors who performed that search.

Local searches will also show up in the action log (globally, or when viewing a session), as well as Spy.